The Contraceptive Pill Today
Inasmuch as the contraceptive pill is not the same as the emergency pill or emergency contraceptive, we want to highlight a recent commentary on the contraceptive pill and what it symbolises, from a social perspective, in today’s society.
The telegraph has recently written about the consequences of women taking the contraceptive pill in today’s society. It questions whether the pill can actually be a symbol of feminism and engages the reader to think of alternative treatments and what it means for a woman to “get on the pill”. You can read the full article from the telegraph here.
Many young women in fact have to make this decision alone, especially when parents avoid the topic and partners assume women to take care of the contraceptive method.
We’ve found this article very interesting. In the UK alone, states Netdoctor, approximately one in three women take the contraceptive pill. Most women who take it have had a period of “trial” to see which pill would cause them to have the least amount of side effects. Many women find the pill very useful not only as a contraceptive, but also to regulate their menstrual periods and to avoid painful period pains. Hence, from this point of view, the pill is worthwhile considering.
However, women should really ask themselves whether they feel forced to take it because of pressure by society or the partners. The methods of contraception are varied, and it is important to fully consider the others rather than just taking the pill without being properly informed.
From a psychosocial point of view, in order for women to be emancipated, society should really consider these pressures that are put on women. Researchers should also think about giving more importance to topics relating to women’s medical conditions that have not been fully explored yet such as Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (FSAD) and also other complications in the menstrual cycle that may lead the woman to have to be on the pill even if she does not want to.